"I like it!"

Group shot of January 2012 intensive course participants, UCNH.

That's what Dr. Monel Jules, Dean of the Theology Faculty at the Christian University of North Haiti (UCNH) had to say at the end of our intensive course in Genesis last week.

Two years after the earthquake, I was grateful for the chance to add a small contribution to the big investment New Jersey Baptists (and other American Baptists) have made in the life of Haiti.  These are wonderful brothers and sisters facing huge challenges.  As so many of you have learned, it is a privilege to walk with them.

Monel was excited about the way students grew in their ability to discover the meaning of Scripture for themselves as we immersed ourselves in the text and threw ourselves into spirited--and Spirit-ed!--dialogue.  Thank you for the prayers and gifts by which you made this week of growth possible!