Haiti Sister-Church Mission Trip...A huge success!


Following the Haitian earthquake of 2011 ABCNJ and the Baptist convention of Haiti drafted a sister- church covenant designed to engage our churches in a relational partnership based on prayer, dialogue and mutual support.

An email was sent out inviting churches to consider partnering with a sister church in Haiti. Several churches answered the call.

On May 30th a team of 21 ABCNJ pastors and church leaders traveled to Haiti to meet our sister churches.

Our itinerary included meeting  with the Haitian Baptist convention where we were warmly welcomed by Pastor Gedeon, the president of the Baptist Convention of Haiti, and were also introduced to our sister churches.

We traveled by speedboat (thank you Haiti Coast Guard) to the island of La Gonave and were greeted by the 14 Baptist churches with a fantastic reception including champagne and homemade fruit sangria.

The gathered group of folks from ABCNJWe toured Port-au-Prince and I am so pleased to see the great progress being made since the earthquake. And on Sunday we spent the day with our new sister churches.

It was an awesome experience. New relationships were formed, new friendships were made, dreams were realized and new ones are being created, and hope is surging  once again among the churches of Haiti.

Thank you to Rev. Edgard Nicolas ABCNJ Associate Regional Pastor for Haitian Minitries, our trip organizer, Rev. Ken Cadette, and especially Donny Merinvil who arranged our travel plans and itinerary and saw to our every need.

There are still opportunities for churches to join the partnership. If you are interested please contact me by using the form below.

[contact-form to='sroyle@abcnj.net' subject='Sister church inquiry'][contact-field label='Name' type='name' required='1'/][contact-field label='Email' type='email' required='1'/][contact-field label='Church' type='text' required='1'/][contact-field label='Comment' type='textarea' required='1'/][/contact-form]