[WEBINAR] Christian Social Entrepreneurship

Webinar: Christian Social Entrepreneurship
Date/Time: Thursday, November 3, 2022 - 7:00-8:30 p.m.
Facilitator: Dr. Bruce Borquist

Christian social entrepreneurship is a powerful tool we can use to address spiritual, social, economic and environmental needs in our communities as an expression of God’s holistic mission. This webinar will introduce you to faith-based social entrepreneurship and its “triple bottom line” to create missional, social, and economic value.

We will explore how the values and practices of Christian social entrepreneurship help to expand the kingdom of God in your community. Examples of faith-based social enterprises worldwide will showcase how Jesus’ followers and their faith communities are responding to human needs and social and environmental problems. Finally, we’ll talk about next steps and resources for churches.

Dr. Bruce Borquist

Bruce completed doctoral research in faith-based social entrepreneurship and currently serves as Global Consultant for Holistic Economic and Community Development through International Ministries-ABCUSA. He and Ann have a long history with ABCNJ and recently visited many of their partner churches here.